Can I Visit a Loved One During COVID?

If you have an older parent or family member, you may be wondering if it’s safe to visit them during COVID, even as restrictions are now being lifted. For many families, the Coronavirus outbreak has changed how they interact with older parents, grandparents or other family members. It felt disconcerting and downright lonely to just leave a meal on the doorstep or communicate through a closed window.

Video chats and phone calls can help, but let’s face it, it’s not the same as getting a warm, comforting hug from grandma or grandpa. Because COVID19 tends to affect the older population more severely, it’s important to consider the options available to you before you decide how to handle interaction with your older family member.

Here are a few steps to help make the process easier, no matter what you decide.

Avoid the Urge to Run Errands Before Your Visit

If you’re planning to visit a loved one, you may think it’s a good idea to simply make a day of it, and go run some other errands before your visit. Maybe you’ll stop at the store or go grab a coffee to go. This can put you in contact with many more potential carriers than if you were to just leave your home and go right to see your family member without stopping anywhere else along the way.

Remember, because older people are so much more susceptible to the virus, it’s a good idea to minimize your chances of inadvertently passing it along, even if you feel fine. Quarantine before you visit to help minimize the risk!

Maintain Social Distancing

Do you really have to social distance when all you really want is a hug? Unfortunately, yes. Social distancing rules still apply even when they’re family, and it’s a good idea to stay six feet apart even when visiting. When everyone follows the proper rules, it greatly minimizes the chances for the virus to be spread.

Don’t Hang Around Too Long

The longer people spend in each other’s company, the greater the chances that infected air droplets will be inhaled. If someone with the virus lingers around (even if they’re not showing symptoms), the longer your loved one spends around them, the greater the chances are that they will contract the virus.

To that end, it’s a good idea to avoid prolonged contact. Many researchers believe that around fifteen minutes should be the limit (although let’s face it, when you’re around the ones you love, fifteen minutes is over in the blink of an eye!)

Don’t Forget the Mask

Just like with social distancing, wearing a mask is just as important. If everyone wears a mask, it helps cut down on the potential for the virus to spread and helps keep everyone safe. Wearing proper protective gear is important, especially around those who may be at high risk, so even if they’re family, do the right thing to help keep them safe and don’t forget the mask!

As you can see, there are several different steps that you can take to help protect yourself and your loved one and still spend some time with them. Although it may not be the quality time that a close hug could give, it’s nevertheless important to remember that in the age of Corona, everyone’s health matters, and taking steps to protect your loved one and prevent the spread of the virus are all ways to show that you care!

To learn more about how to safeguard the health of your loved ones and get the medical, emotional and spiritual support needed to help guide you in decision making for individuals with terminal illness, please reach out to us at True Care Hospice to learn more about how we can help.