Hospice Care Camarillo CA

Camarillo Hospice Care

If you’re looking for hospice care in Camarillo, look no further. At True Care hospice, it is an honor and privilege for us to take care of you or your loved one in a way that focuses on compassion, comfort and dignity. We invite you to learn more about our hospice services in Camarillo and how we can help.

When Can I Enter Hospice Care?

Generally speaking, individuals enter hospice care in Camarillo if they have a terminal illness or other untreatable condition, and are expected to pass within six months or less. Of course, you can stay in hospice beyond that time if both you and your medical team believe you only have a short time to live.

Keep in mind that hospice isn’t a permanent choice unless you want it to be. For instance, if you’ve been fighting an aggressive cancer, you may choose to stop hospice care at any time and continue back on treatment therapy. You’re in complete control of all times. Sometimes, people even unexpectedly recover, but they always have the option of coming back.

Is Hospice Care the Same as Palliative Care?

Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, hospice care and palliative care are not quite the same. Palliative care serves anyone who is seriously ill while hospice care revolves around those who are expected to pass soon and are no longer seeking treatment. The two types of services often overlap, and both services are about providing care and dignity until the very end.

Can I Receive Hospice Care at Home?

If you’re looking for a Camarillo hospice care center that lets you stay at home, you’ll be glad to know that True Care understands your wishes. It’s easy to see why anyone would prefer to be surrounded by family and friends rather than in a hospital room! Hospice care spans a wide range of services and some of those services can and do take place at home

For example, routine home care is the most common type of hospice care and includes nursing and home health care services done at you or your loved one’s home. There is also continuous home care, where a patient needs continuous nursing care and support.

The other two types of hospice care, general inpatient care and respite care are times where the individual will need to be taken to a hospital to properly manage and treat their pain and symptoms. Respite care, as the name implies, is designed to give caregivers a break while still tending to the medical needs of the individual.

Finally, hospice care in Camarillo doesn’t just happen at a hospice center or at home, with those two places being your only choices. Hospice care can also happen at hospitals, nursing homes and other long-term facilities. Wherever you or your family member are most comfortable, hospice is there for you.

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What Happens at True Care Hospice?

If you’re interested in learning more about our hospice care in Camarillo, it’s understandable you’ll want to know what actually happens here. You’ll be glad to know that we work one-on-one with your doctors and other medical professionals to come up with a care plan that involves you and your family.

Our specialists will focus on managing your pain and symptoms and either your doctor or another one connected with our hospice program, will provide you with the proper care. Nurses will also come to check on you while our aides will assist you with things like bathing, dressing, cleaning and cooking.

We also offer a variety of additional services for you and your family. These include:

  • Providing medicine to help ease pain
  • Setting up medical equipment and supplies
  • Providing chaplain and spiritual services for you as well as end-of-life and bereavement counseling for loved ones
  • And much more

Your Care is Covered!

You’ll be glad to know that hospice care in Camarillo is 100% covered by Medicare and Medi-Cal health insurances, and our Camarillo hospice care center has been fully accredited in meeting or exceeding the standards of care required by national and local regulatory bodies.

We invite you to learn more by calling us today. We’ll take the time to answer all of your questions and help provide you with all the information you need in order to make a decision with confidence. Contact us today to learn more!

Need Professional Advice? We Are Here To Help!

24/7 crisis care is available at any hour. We’re here for you, as well as your loved one, so you can feel comforted any time of the day or night.