Hospice Care Costa Mesa

Hospice Care in Costa Mesa

Looking for Costa Mesa hospice care? Wondering when is the right time to choose hospice? We at True Care hospice care in Costa Mesa can help!

Hospice care in Costa Mesa provides end of life care for individuals with terminal illnesses or other conditions where treatment can no longer progress or cure the disease. Hospice care isn’t “giving up”, and in fact you can resume treatment at any time, but hospice care in Costa Mesa simply allows you to focus on spending time with friends and family and doing the things you care about while getting relief from your symptoms.

Your Hospice Care Team

At True Care Hospice, our Costa Mesa hospice care team may include a variety of individuals including doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplain (for religious individuals needing spiritual counseling), grief counselor, home health care aide and more. All of the people on your team make up a multidisciplinary, multifaceted group of experts that help you physically, spiritually and mentally.

But our Costa Mesa hospice is about more than just tending to your needs. We also help your family by providing grief counseling, social work resources and much more.

When Should You Join Hospice Care?

If your doctor tells you that you have a terminal illness and that you are expected to pass within 6 months or less, you can enter into a hospice program. However, it’s important to keep in mind that entering into hospice isn’t a permanent decision. You can leave any time you want. For example, if your doctor has diagnosed you with kidney failure, you can elect to enter a hospice program rather than continue on dialysis. But you can change your mind at any time, stop hospice care and resume treatment. It’s also entirely possible that in some rare cases, people recover and leave the program.

Should You Stay at Home?

Many people think of Costa Mesa hospice as a place that you go, but that’s not the entirety of hospice. Hospice care in Costa Mesa actually encompasses four different levels of care, which include:

Routine Home Care – This includes nursing and home health aide services and is the most common type of hospice care.

Continuous Home Care – During a time of crisis, a patient may need continuous home care and that is what this type of hospice care provides

Inpatient Care – Short term care in a hospital setting is necessary when symptoms or pain can’t be managed at home.

Respite Care – Short term care that helps at-home caregivers enjoy a break.

You and your doctor will decide if hospice is the right option for you or your loved one.

What is Hospice Care Like?

Every hospice patient has a different plan according to their personal medical team. The plans generally focus on pain management and improving symptoms. Someone from your team will be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case you have an emergency.

Either your doctor or one at our Costa Mesa Hospice will provide you with medical care and nurses will also assist them and check on you regularly. Aides can help with things like bathing, dressing, cooking and cleaning.

Hospice also offers a wide range of other services, including spiritual services for you and your loved ones, social work, grief counseling, medication to help ease pain, medical equipment and supplies if necessary.

We invite you to contact our Costa Mesa hospice care to learn more about the detailed services we provide and how we can help you or your loved one to live a better, fuller life with dignity.