Encino Hospice Care

Hospice Care in Encino

Throughout Encino, there are several hospice care services all claiming to be the best. But what truly makes certain Encino hospice care services stand out? At True Care Hospice, we’re proud to serve residents and their families across Encino, providing comprehensive care that not only focuses on medical well-being and comfort, but also extends to include bereavement counseling, spiritual guidance across a variety of faiths, volunteer support, social work care, crisis intervention and much more.

We at Encino Hospice care service provide the full spectrum of hospice care simply because we care, and we know what a difference having a dedicated, service and patient-focused staff can mean in delivering an unparalleled quality of life for your family and your loved one.

Does Insurance Cover Hospice Care?

You’ll be glad to know that our Encino hospice care is 100% covered by all major insurance companies – including Medicare and Medi-Cal. We are proud to be accredited by the Joint Commission and licensed by the California Board of Health.

We’re also proud members in excellent standing with the California Hospice and Palliative Care Association, which provides the latest news, best practices and guidance for helping hospice centers like ours continue to deliver the quality of care that our patients and their loved ones expect and deserve.

In all aspects of our work, we’re focused on quality and care first and foremost. We believe wholeheartedly in treating every patient and their family just like we’d treat our own — with dignity, compassion and care. At the end of life, we’re here for you at every step.

Choosing an Encino Hospice Care

Many patient families come to us with questions about the difference between Encino hospice and palliative care. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, there are also some significant differences worth knowing and understanding between the two services.

Palliative care and hospice care differ in that palliative care is often given at nursing homes and hospitals during or as a part of the treatment rather than at the patient’s home or where they feel most comfortable. Hospice care can be given at hospitals and nursing homes as well, but we can also come to the patient’s home in Encino if they feel most comfortable in familiar surroundings.

In addition, palliative care is provided on an ongoing basis. There is no set duration for when palliative care ends. With hospice care, in order for it to be fully covered by insurance, the individual must have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or it is believed by their medical practitioners that they will pass away within the next six months.

This gives hospice care an even stronger commitment to focus on improving the patient’s quality of life, and making each day a joy, rather than living in misery or uncertainty.

A Life Lived With Dignity, Compassion And Understanding

To help us achieve this, we provide a full spectrum of services that go beyond your typical hospice care in Encino. With the support of our compassionate and caring volunteers, spiritual guidance professionals, social workers and of course our brilliant medical team, we provide compassionate and complete services at every stage to help individuals and their families feel welcomed, cared for and comforted in their time of need.

We focus not on the end stage of life, but on a life well lived – one where dignity, compassion and understanding are the norm. We invite you to call our care professionals today at our Encino hospice center. We’ll take the time to answer all of your questions and help you feel more at ease in making this difficult decision. This is often a time of uncertainty, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re here for you.

Hospice care services we offer:

Need Professional Advice? We Are Here To Help!

24/7 crisis care is available at any hour. We’re here for you, as well as your loved one, so you can feel comforted any time of the day or night.

Request Your Free In-Home Assessment Today

Consult with our experienced team for hospice care plan that fits your needs.

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