Hospice Care Santa Ana

Santa Ana Hospice Care

If you’re looking for diligent, professional and caring hospice care in Santa Ana, True Care Hospice is here to help. Our comprehensive services are second to none when it comes to finding reputable, reliable and dedicated hospice care providers in and around Santa Ana. From skilled medical teams to spiritual advisors to home health aides and counselors, we offer everything your loved one needs to feel comfortable and right at home during their last days.

How Do I Know if Hospice Care in Santa Ana is the Right Choice?

Deciding whether or not to entrust the care of your loved one to hospice is a big decision, but it doesn’t have to weigh heavily on your or your conscience. We uphold the highest standards of care and are properly accredited.

Hospice care at True Care is covered by all major insurances as well as Medicare and Medi-Cal so you can feel confident that your loved one is being cared for to the very best of our abilities. We treat every patient like family here and strive to provide them with the same deeply compassionate care that you do.

If you’re ready to have the discussion about hospice care for yourself or your loved one, we can help make the process, and your decision, even easier.

At its core, hospice care in Santa Ana accepts death not as the end, but as the final stage of life. Hospice care as a whole does not look at death as something to be rushed or postponed but rather a part of a whole. To that end, hospice treats both the person and symptoms of the disease rather than trying to cure the disease itself.

This means that we make every effort to ensure that your loved one’s last days are spent with dignity, surrounded by those they love and care for. At True Care Santa Ana hospice, we are family centered, and include all members of the family in the decision-making process so that everyone is aware of what will happen and how.

+ Years of Experience
+ Families Helped
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Getting Started with Hospice Care

Generally speaking, hospice care is started when a disease has progressed to a point where treatment no longer cures or contains it. If the person is expected to live for six months or less as the illness goes through its general course (like advanced stage cancers), you should contact our hospice care in Santa Ana.

It’s important to note that oftentimes, hospice care isn’t started soon enough, because it can feel like you’re surrendering to the illness. The good news is that you are welcome to leave hospice care at any time.

For example, using advanced cancer as an illustration, you can stop hospice care at any time and go back to advanced cancer treatment or therapy if you wish. It’s never a bad idea to consider hospice care your safety net if treatment isn’t getting you the results you’d hoped for or your doctors have advised you that there are no more treatment options remaining for your specific illness.

Hospice Care in Santa Ana

At True Care, our hospice care in Santa Ana is truly second to none. We provide palliative care and symptom control, but also inpatient hospice care and home care, spiritual guidance and grief counseling to both the patient and their families. We understand that choosing a hospice care provider is a big step, and we want to demonstrate our commitment to care.

Contact us today to learn more and let us work with you to take the next steps with confidence ,secure in the knowledge that you’ve made a smart choice to help yourself or your loved one get the very best care and compassion from a trusted team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals. We look forward to hearing from you!

Need Professional Advice? We Are Here To Help!

24/7 crisis care is available at any hour. We’re here for you, as well as your loved one, so you can feel comforted any time of the day or night.