Author - Adamin

Planning Ahead for the Terminally Ill

Perhaps the news hit you like a ton of bricks. Perhaps you knew it was coming, but you can never truly be prepared for it, can you? Knowing that someone you love and care for is battling a terminal illness can be a devastating blow — physically, emotionally and spiritually. You don’t know how you’re going to cope without them, and you don’t know where to turn.

For you, your loved one, and your family — there’s hospice care.

You may not want to think about it now, but planning ahead can save a lot of headache, uncertainty and fear, later. We at True Care hospice have made this guide to help you better prepare and plan ahead so that when the time comes to choose hospice, you’ll know how to move forward with confidence.

Let the Reality Sink In

It can feel like swallowing a rock, but it’s an important stage of the planning process to let the reality sink in — slowly, if you need to. Everyone passes through different stages of acceptance, and there is no “right way” for anyone. We’re all different, and we’re all in this life together.

Keeping this in mind is crucial to helping you take that first step and moving forward with choosing the best way to care for your loved one, with confidence, comfort and understanding.

Focus on the Patient’s Needs and Care

Although your loved one may be diagnosed with a terminal illness, that doesn’t mean that their last days should be spent in solitude, misery or pain. Hospice care is here to make sure that every day of their last days are days filled with joy.

To that end, hospice care medical staff, volunteers, social workers and other professionals can provide not only daily hygiene and medical care, but also spiritual guidance (across many different faiths), bereavement counseling for family members, crisis intervention if necessary to help make your loved one feel comfortable and at ease, and much, much more.

This is why it’s so important to consider your loved one’s needs as a vital step in choosing the hospice care center that’s best equipped to help them. Don’t hesitate to contact the center to ask questions and find out more — hospice care is here to help and improve your loved one’s quality of life in any way that they possibly can.

Making Final Arrangements

This may be perhaps the most difficult part of the entire ordeal. There’s a certain “finality” to final arrangements that make them extraordinarily difficult. This is when you should talk with your loved one about their final wishes and what they’d like to have happen after they pass on.

Death is sad and it’s a difficult topic to talk about, to be sure. But that doesn’t mean that you have to do it alone. Our hospice care centers are conveniently located throughout California to provide you with the one-on-one support and guidance you need to help make the process easier on you and your loved ones.

We invite you to contact our California hospice care center today to learn more and to ask any questions you may have. We serve Los Angeles, Orange County and more, so it’s likely that there’s a True Care hospice near you. You don’t have to do it all alone, and you shouldn’t have to. Let our experienced counselors, social workers, medical staff and spiritual leaders help provide you the care, dedication and support you need in these difficult and troubling times so that your loved one can enjoy the dignity and care that they rightfully deserve.

So You’ve Been Diagnosed with a Serious Illness…Now What?

Getting a diagnosis of a serious illness can send your thoughts spiraling out of control. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, afraid and uncertain. When talking with your doctor, it’s also easy to feel speechless, only to have questions rain down after your appointment. No matter what the diagnosis is, it’s important to be as prepared as possible to fully understand what the diagnosis means, what the prognosis is, and what your next steps should be.

To help you, we’ve prepared five questions you should ask your doctor in order to better come to terms with the diagnosis and take steps to fully care for yourself. We recommend bringing a notepad and pen or your cell phone to record the doctor’s answers to each question. If you don’t understand something, like a procedure or certain terminology, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s the doctor’s job to ensure that you are fully aware of what the diagnosis means and what your next steps are, and if that means taking time to clarify different terms and steps, then make sure you completely understand.

What is my long-term prognosis and what are my treatment options?

A diagnosis may have many treatment options available. Ask your doctor to explain the pros and cons of each one. It’s in your best interest to let your doctor know that you want the full truth about your diagnosis, as some doctors will withhold certain information depending on the severity of the illness or the prognosis.

What will my treatment goal be?

Doctors and patients alike need to be on the same page as far as treatment goals and expectations. Whether the treatment is designed to cure the disease or simply slow its progression, it’s important to know what the end result will be. It may even be only to manage symptoms, but either way, it’s important to have a realistic outlook.

As a patient, this is a good time to ensure that your advance directives are up to date and in line with your wishes. You may want to have a healthcare power of attorney ready in case you come to a point where you cannot make your own medical decisions.

What are the side effects and risks of my treatment?

It’s important to know that even if a treatment exists, there may be unavoidable risks and side effects. Some may seriously impact your quality of life, so you must balance the pros and cons of various treatment options with your doctor to determine the best possible outcome for your specific situation. Different patients have different wishes. Some may want any chance possible at a cure, even if it means a significant amount of suffering with side effects. Others prefer having a higher quality of life over spending each day suffering. This is your decision to make together with the input and recommendations of your doctor or medical team.

What services are available to help support me and my family?

Receiving a serious illness diagnosis can make patients and families feel hopeless — like there’s nowhere to turn. But doctors and medical providers have an extensive network of resources to draw upon. They may be able to guide the patient and their family to support groups or palliative or hospice care that can provide several types of support, including emotional support, spiritual guidance and more.

Can you repeat that?

When diagnosed with a serious illness, it’s understandable to feel consumed with your own thoughts and emotions. It’s also easy to feel as if whatever the doctor tells you goes in one ear and out the other. You may feel like the time spent at your appointment goes by in a blur, only to find yourself not remembering any of the doctor’s instructions or recommendations when you leave.

This is completely normal and to be expected when you’ve been hit with heavy, life-changing news. Don’t hesitate to ask the doctor to repeat themselves, write down any directions or if they’d allow you to record them during the appointment so you don’t miss anything important. It’s vital to be an advocate for your own health and wellness, so don’t be shy or afraid to ask and ask again until you understand your next steps perfectly.

How to Choose the Hospice Agency that’s Right for You

Choosing the right hospice care provider in Los Angeles can be both emotionally draining and stressful for you and your family. There are so many hospices available and each one offers similar services. How do you know if the hospice facility you choose is the right one?

While the decision ultimately falls to you and your family, it is our hope that this guide to choosing the best hospice agency will help you understand what to look for when evaluating hospice providers so that you can make a choice with confidence.

Is the Hospice Agency Large or Small?

Hospices can be large, small or anything in between, and oftentimes hospice agencies cover large regional areas. There are several national companies that specialize in hospice care who care for thousands of patients as well as smaller organizations and agencies that have a few dozen patients to care for at any one time. There are pros and cons to both large and small hospice centers, however, generally smaller Los Angeles hospice agencies can provide a more personalized approach to care.

What Certifications does the Hospice Facility Have?

You want to be certain that any hospice care provider you choose is well-qualified. That means being accredited through organizations that specialize in gauging a hospice’s quality and standard of care, as well as how it measures up to pre-set standards. For example, the Community Health Accreditation Program and the Joint Commission are just a few of the quality accreditation organizations you’ll want to look for. Although don’t discount an agency just because they aren’t accredited — it’s possible that they haven’t sought accreditation yet.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Friends and Family

Your friends, family and colleagues can be an invaluable source of help in finding the hospice care that’s right for you. It might feel a little awkward to ask about their recommended end-of-life care, but chances are, someone you know has gone through this exact thing and can help you choose a great hospice agency to work with.

Meeting with Hospice Care Providers: What to Expect

It’s a good idea before deciding which hospice agency you want to go with, that you sit down and get to know the staff and the professionals before you choose. It’s a good idea to have a list of questions prepared (more on that below). How do you feel about the staff? How well do they answer your questions and how comfortable do you feel? If you feel welcomed and the staff is friendly, trustworthy and professional, you’re in a good place. If you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, it’s a good idea to look elsewhere.

Comparing Hospice Agencies

Once you meet with some different hospice agencies and learn about each one and the kinds of care they offer, it’s a good idea to collect your thoughts and reflect on what you’ve learned. It’s understandable that this can be an overwhelming time full of uncertainty, but it’s recommended that you set aside time after meeting with each agency to reflect and compare. Make a list of the pros and cons if you think you’ll forget and need a handy way to refer back to which agency offers what.

What Kinds of Questions Should You Ask Hospice Providers?

Make up a list of relevant questions to ask each hospice facility, for example:

  • Do you accept all insurances?
  • Is this hospice care Medical or Medicare approved?
  • How long have you been providing care in the area?
  • Are you available after normal business hours?
  • Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
  • Will my loved one have the same doctor/nurse or team at all times?
  • Are there any limits to the type of treatment currently being received?
  • What other services do you offer beyond the required treatments?

Every hospice service is different, so be sure to ask any relevant questions you feel are pertinent to the care of your loved one!

Checking Reviews and Ratings Online and Through Yelp

Don’t forget that the Internet and the official Yelp web directory can prove invaluable in helping to provide you with hospice agency reviews. Simply type in the name of the agency you’re considering, or go to Google and type in Hospices in (City) to see star ratings and reviews from other users.

As you can see, choosing a hospice facility is never an easy decision, but with the right guidance and the right team on your side, the process is much easier. By following these steps and asking the right questions, you’ll be one step closer to finding a hospice center you can trust, with a staff that’s ready to help you at a moment’s notice.

Debunking the Most Common Hospice Myths

If you’ve ever asked anyone you know about what hospice care is like, chances are you’ve heard everything. The truth is, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about hospice care out there. And the one thing that many people will tell you after they’ve made a decision to move forward with hospice is that they wished they would have done it sooner.

So what’s the real story? Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common myths out there and dig deeper to find out the truth:

Hospice is a Place Where Your Loved One Must Go To

Many people believe that hospice is a place that a loved one must go to near the end of life. This is not true. Hospice care can be given where the patient is. So if they feel more comfortable in their own home, in a family member’s home or even in an assisted care facility or nursing home, hospice care can be provided there.

The important thing to remember is that hospice care starts when and where the patient’s physician feels that the illness they have been diagnosed with is following its normal course and that according to their evaluation, the patient has six months or less to live. During this time, the family and the patient need the highest amount of physical, spiritual, emotional and social care.

Hospice Means You’ve Given Up Hope

Nothing could be further from the truth! Hospice is one of the kindest, most sensible and compassionate things that you can do for your loved one. It’s about maximizing quality of life so that the loved one can live as fully as possible. This is a life’s calling for many passionate doctors, nurses and volunteers who work hard to make your family feel like part of their own family, and give everyone that’s needed the care and support that they need at what is understandably a difficult time of life.

Hospice is Simply a Live-In Caregiver

Rather than being a live-in caregiver, hospice provides for periodic visits by caregivers and medical staff. Support is also available 24/7 by phone for any questions you may have, including guidance, support and visits. Hospice also makes sure that visits are done for physical as well as emotional, spiritual and social support as well, based on the needs of the loved one and the family. Many families are grateful for the care and respite that hospice care provides to ensure that their loved one has a peaceful passing.

Hospice Care Service is Expensive

Normally, hospice care is covered by insurance, including Medicare, Medical or private insurance. This means that it is 100% FREE for the patient, and his or her family. The most important thing to know about our Los Angeles hospice care service is that it can provide your loved one and your family with a quality of life that far surpasses anything that any one person can do.

Put a trained, certified and compassionate team to work with you and for you today to ensure that your loved one has the best possible care and comfort.