Debunking the Most Common Hospice Myths

Debunking the Most Common Hospice Myths

If you’ve ever asked anyone you know about what hospice care is like, chances are you’ve heard everything. The truth is, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about hospice care out there. And the one thing that many people will tell you after they’ve made a decision to move forward with hospice is that they wished they would have done it sooner.

So what’s the real story? Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common myths out there and dig deeper to find out the truth:

Hospice is a Place Where Your Loved One Must Go To

Many people believe that hospice is a place that a loved one must go to near the end of life. This is not true. Hospice care can be given where the patient is. So if they feel more comfortable in their own home, in a family member’s home or even in an assisted care facility or nursing home, hospice care can be provided there.

The important thing to remember is that hospice care starts when and where the patient’s physician feels that the illness they have been diagnosed with is following its normal course and that according to their evaluation, the patient has six months or less to live. During this time, the family and the patient need the highest amount of physical, spiritual, emotional and social care.

Hospice Means You’ve Given Up Hope

Nothing could be further from the truth! Hospice is one of the kindest, most sensible and compassionate things that you can do for your loved one. It’s about maximizing quality of life so that the loved one can live as fully as possible. This is a life’s calling for many passionate doctors, nurses and volunteers who work hard to make your family feel like part of their own family, and give everyone that’s needed the care and support that they need at what is understandably a difficult time of life.

Hospice is Simply a Live-In Caregiver

Rather than being a live-in caregiver, hospice provides for periodic visits by caregivers and medical staff. Support is also available 24/7 by phone for any questions you may have, including guidance, support and visits. Hospice also makes sure that visits are done for physical as well as emotional, spiritual and social support as well, based on the needs of the loved one and the family. Many families are grateful for the care and respite that hospice care provides to ensure that their loved one has a peaceful passing.

Hospice Care Service is Expensive

Normally, hospice care is covered by insurance, including Medicare, Medical or private insurance. This means that it is 100% FREE for the patient, and his or her family. The most important thing to know about our Los Angeles hospice care service is that it can provide your loved one and your family with a quality of life that far surpasses anything that any one person can do.

Put a trained, certified and compassionate team to work with you and for you today to ensure that your loved one has the best possible care and comfort.

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